Sunday, May 11, 2008

16 Wiki's

There is so much good stuff out there on the net. The idea of Wiki's is great and  didn't realise the extent or possible uses. Came across a great blog set up by a Year 10 English teacher. One of my aims is to set up a class blog and I'm certainly learning lots with the 23 things online learning.

15 copyright, creative commons

What a great video ..... must have taken hours to make, so clever!  It's such an important area to cover in your teaching. 
The concept of creative commons is also very interesting and a great compromise to the rigidity of copy right.

14. Technorati

Yet another registration but I'm a bit confused how to do a tag so my blog comes up on a search. Will have to work on it some more

13 Tagging

So it looks like I can keep my bookmarks and open on any computer... that is a useful possibility. I've registered with . Luckily I'm keeping track of all this registration stuff as I've registered with so many things now. 
I'm still not sure about the social bookmarking benefits. Do I really have time to see what others have been up to as I  can barely keep up with what I'm doing!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

No. 12 Rollyo

This is a bit risky as I decided to go with a travel theme... in particular the South Pacific as my next travel destination.  I could have easily spent hours looking at possible trips.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

No. 11 Web 2.0 sites

Thought it was about time I had a look at FAcebook as there has been so much hype about it. Amazingly the only friends on it were my husband and children! What does that say about my other friends? When I get more friends I might be able to look more at Facebook but now it's a little hard to make a comment about it. Mingle is  online dating so I might give it a miss. Imbee is for kids and tweens so I might give it a miss too.

No 10 - image generator

This was a lot of fun. A good idea for making birthday cards etc. I can see a lot of possible uses here for students.